Mista, Danone, Givaudan, AAK, Ingredion, and NoPalm Ingredients Join Forces for a Plant-Based Breakthrough
Collaborative innovation in FoodTech through MISTA growth hack: Together with Danone, AAK, Givaudan and Ingredion, we are introducing the first plant-based yogurt prototype harnessed from NoPalm Ingredients yeast oil derived from fermented vegetable sidestreams.
The Power of Collaboration and Innovation
At NoPalm Ingredients, we've always recognized the immense potential that collaborative partnerships and knowledge sharing can unlock. NoPalm Ingredients is proud to share an achievement that stems from a dynamic collaboration with industry giants. Over the course of two days, we joined forces with leading companies, including Danone, Givaudan and Ingredion Incorporated during a growth hack, organized by MISTA, held at AAK Plant-based innovation center in the Netherlands. Diverse expertise from various industry leaders came together to craft a groundbreaking product that redefines the future of food. In just 24 hours, we created something truly remarkable - the world's first plant-based yogurt made from yeast oil from upcycled and fermented vegetable sidestreams.
A Pioneering Formulation
During this intensive collaboration, we successfully developed the formulation and production process for 7 kilograms of a plant-based drinkable yogurt, using innovative fats derived from fermented vegetable sidestreams. This achievement marks a significant step forward in the food tech industry, showcasing the potential of sustainable ingredients and innovative production methods.
A Taste of Success
The true magic happened during a tasting session at the culinary kitchen of AAK's innovation center. It was a moment of immense pride as we witnessed the overwhelmingly positive feedback from our audience when they compared our "NoPalm" yogurt to the industry reference. The "NoPalm" yogurt was not just a delicious alternative; it also showcased the extraordinary potential of sustainable, upcycled ingredients.